White Snowberry

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White Snowberry

$12.99 Regular price $10.99
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  •  Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda), Citric Acid, Mica, Sea Salt, Polysorbate 80, Witch Hazel, Sunflower Oil, Fragrance Oil.


  • Made with 100% all natural essential oils and the highest quality ingredients to provide a luxurious and soothing bathing experience. Great citrus fruit blend. Sweet with hints of floral.


  • Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda), Relieves itchy skin and sunburns, natural antacid and neutralizing agent.
  • Citric Acid, Helps unclog pores, helps to even skin tone, and brighten skin.
  • Mica, Skin-friendly and creates a shimmery finish.
  • Sea salt, is an excellent deep cleaner for skin. Its helps regulate fluid balance and blood pressure in the body.
  • Sea salt, is an excellent deep cleaner for skin. Its helps regulate fluid balance and blood pressure in the body.
  • Polysorbate80, this allows surfactants to attract and suspend oil, dirt and other impurities that have accumulated on the skin and wash them away. 
  • Witch Hazel, Relieves inflammation, protects against skin damage, warts off infection and reduces irritation. 
  • Sunflower oil is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin E which help in promoting skin health. It help in regenerating damaged skin cells and getting rid of the acne causing bacteria.


  • For external use only. Simply drop in a warm bath and watch it react in a beautiful way. Once fully dissolved, step right in and let it relax and soothe your body.

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